Sunday, January 2, 2011

SmartTrade News: 2011

Let's give a warm welcome to 2011!

I hope you're feeling relaxed and you enjoyed this fantastic holiday. Hopefully you took a break to enjoy some time with friends and family, as I did. Some of you might have experienced your first white Christmas!

The 1st of January commences the Gus* Keep on Giving! Sale. Through this entire month, Smart Furniture will donate 3 non-perishable food items to the local Food Bank for every Gus* Modern purchase. There is never a better time for helping those in need. If you are interested in any Gus* products, please don't hesitate to contact me. I have had first-hand experience and highly recommend their products. The quality and craftsmanship are superb.

Best wishes for a successful 2011. Stay warm and have a happy new year!

